Technologies I'm Excited About (May '23 edition)

I was thinking about what topics I could write about and I thought it would be fun to have an ongoing series where I would talk about technologies that I follow that I’m excited about and why I’m excited and where technologies I’ve talked about in the past are up to. I don’t plan to do this on any particular planned schedule; they’ll be done when I feel like enough has changed....

May 1, 2023 · 4 min · 820 words · Kenny

Using Discord Privately

Discord is a popular communications platform that many communities are built upon. While Discord Inc. has generally taken the stance that they are not in the business of selling your data, there is still a lot of potential for abuse. Privacy policies can change with little notice and upon acquisition. Representatives of the platform have stated openly that encrypted conversations are not a feature that is planned as it prevents the operators to moderate abuse that occurs on the platform....

April 11, 2023 · 4 min · 648 words · Kenny